- The front-end tool library includes libraries that have been used or encountered by individuals, categorized by category for easy searching.
- LodashLodash is a consistent, modular, high performance JavaScript utility library.
- RamdaFunctional programming utility library
- qsA querystring parser that supports nesting and arrays, with an API familiar to users of the node.js url module.
- ahooksReact Hooks for URL State Management.
- VueUseCollection of essential Vue Composition Utilities
Time Processing
Accuracy Processing
Scroll Handling
- better-scrollA scroll handling library based on native scroll events
- Smooth ScrollbarCustomize scrollbars in modern browsers to provide a smooth scrolling experience.
- react-scrollA lightweight library for enhancing scrolling functionality in React applications
- React Scroll ParallaxReact scroll parallax effect library
- LenisSmooth scroll library
Individual Components
Image Processing
- Medium ZoomA JavaScript library for zooming images like Medium
- react-image-cropA powerful JavaScript Image Editor that integrates with every stack
- html2canvasScreenshots with JavaScript
- html-to-imageGenerates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas and SVG.
- satoriEnlightened library to convert HTML and CSS to SVG
- node-qrcodeA QR Code generator for Node.js
- qrcode.reactA QRCode component for use with React.
- qrcode-terminalGenerate QRCode on terminal
- compressorjsA JavaScript library for compressing images
- imageminMinify images seamlessly
File Processing
- FileSaverA JavaScript library for saving files in the browser
- StreamSaver.jsStreamSaver asynchronously writes streams directly to the filesystem
- sheetjsSheetJS Spreadsheet Data Toolkit
- node-fs-extraAn extension for Node.js that adds extra functionality to the fs module
- rimrafA Node.js library for deleting files
- node-globA Node.js library for matching file paths
- node-globbyPromise API\Multiple patterns\Negated patterns\Expands directories
- copyA Node.js library for copying files
- markdown-itA fast, extensible, and powerful Markdown parser
- mermaidGenerates flowcharts or sequence diagrams (among other chart types) using a syntax similar to Markdown
- slidevA presentation generator based on Vue and Markdown
- mdx-deckA presentation generator based on React and Markdown
- react-markdownA Markdown component for React
Code Highlighting
Form Processing
User Experience
- react-joyrideCreate guided tours in your application
- vue-tourCreate tutorials for Vue applications
- shepherdA simple and easy-to-use library for user guidance
- intro.jsA lightweight and user-friendly library for onboarding tours
- driver.jsA lightweight and dependency-free JavaScript engine to focus user's attention on the whole page
- clipboard.jsA simple and extensible JavaScript library for copying to the clipboard
- copy-to-clipboardA simple and extensible JavaScript library for copying to the clipboard
- screenfullA simple wrapper for the cross-browser JavaScript full-screen API
- nprogressA simple progress bar for displaying progress at the top of the page.
Comment Systems
Compiling & Building & Packaging
- esnoNode.js runtime enhanced with esbuild for loading TypeScript and ESM.
- viteA modern frontend build tool focused on development speed and experience.
- rollupThe next-generation ES module bundler.
- turboIncremental packager and build system optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript, written in Rust, including Turbopack and Turborepo.
- webpackjsModular bundler and build tool for JavaScript applications.
- babeljsTranspiles ES6 code into browser-understandable code.
- esbuildA JavaScript build tool and module bundler.
- swcSWC is an extensible Rust-based platform for fast developer tools of the next generation.
- tsupThe simplest and fastest way to bundle TypeScript libraries.
- unbuildUnified javascript build system.
- unpluginUnified plugin system for Vite, Rollup, Webpack, esbuild, rolldown, and more.